Tuesday, 26 July 2022

An Insight into the lives of Domestic workers: Introduction.

 Hired helps are humans.            

In a country ravaged by poverty and disease, people seek to find means to survive, and that includes being hired helps to rich and middle class people.  


Being a hired help is not the bone of contention here; fate has its way of playing with us sometimes. How then do we ease the burden on hired helps. It's simply by being kind. This is not saying you should condone all of their inappropriate behaviour.  
Most times, kids are especially used as hired helps. However, if you have the financial capability to send them to school, please do. Feed them, clothe them, correct with love.

Goodwill always prevails over evil a million times. Sow a seed of love today to your house help and remember hired helps are humans too.

Note: How has your week been? Great? I hope. I have amazing news to share with you all and you're going to love this. We have a new writer joining us on here. He is a student of political science at Adekunle Ajasin University. He'll be our writer on politics, sports and humanity.

This piece is courtesy of I_am_immaculayte.

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