Sunday 16 June 2024

Love with Sprinkles 💖

 As you know, my last Father's Day post tugged at the heartstrings a bit. But I won't be a downer today. Let me indulge my mushy side for a moment.

I'll be honest: I kind of have a "Daddy issue." Not that I had a deadbeat dad, but I never got to meet mine. So, I might have been unconsciously searching for a father figure in my potential love interests. LOL!

Over the years, I've learned, unlearned, and relearned some things, mostly about loving healthily. 

I never had many standards when picking a partner. As long as he was nice, serious, and, oh yeah, "wanted to build a family," I was smitten. 

But in the past three years, I've come to understand what it means to have standards, why they're important, and what true love is.

Love is a choice, a decision. It's choosing someone you connect with most deeply and making the most of that choice. It's choosing a home.

And in my home of three years, I've become a more beautiful version of myself.

Now, let's talk about my Home for a bit. It's a place that knows me like no other. On most days, I could swear we were twins who shared a womb! We have so many similarities and personality traits in common. We both love the comfort of each other's presence, the cold air, art, long walks, and having deep conversations. Oh, you should see us banter – it's such an animated sight!

My home has taught me to be kinder to myself and made me understand that I can't do it all alone.

He allows me to be a little girl again, to giggle all day and forget about the weight on my shoulders, even if it's just for a minute.

I can come home and completely fall apart because he'll help me pick up the pieces and tell me that failure isn't the end; I just have to try again.

My home is supportive, listens and cheers me on every day. He makes the absolute best turkey egusi soup, and he buys me ice cream when I have a bad day.

He reminds me to take care of myself because my well-being is important too.

My home goes the extra mile to make sure his princess is happy, and he's intentional about it.

He might not speak much, but his actions speak volumes.

So, to my home and to all the other homes out there, thank you for being warm when the world is cold. Thank you for being a haven.

Happy Father's Day to all who make sure to provide for their families. We love you deeply, and thank you for loving us so much.




  1. Aww 🥰

    I’m blushing rn. I love you too baby. 😁😁


    1. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. This is so heartwarming . I’m glad you found your home 🙃❤️

  3. This is so nice 😊 the part about your home so beautiful

    1. Thanks darling. ❤️

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
