Saturday 15 June 2024

Adulting Can Be Rosy Too.

My boyfriend says I spend too much time thinking about others instead of putting myself first. I daresay, he is not wrong. I guess I have always been used to thinking of others before myself, putting their needs before my own. Even if the little energy left should go to resting, I end up giving it away. I guess you could call it my bad habit.

I feel things more deeply than most people, and it affects my relationships. I start to feel their despair, their ambitions, and their happiness ten times more intensely than they do. I start to formulate plans on their behalf and strain myself to go the extra mile, even if I am not feeling up to it.

In all honesty, I never saw anything wrong with it until I realized that my mental health had deteriorated, and I was a walking apocalypse.

The littlest remark would set me off, and I’d either lash out or eventually pass out from crying so hard.

I am not perfect. I know this now.

I shouldn’t expect people to care as deeply as I do, and I shouldn’t expect to receive care the way I give it.

Sometimes I think my bad habit stems from how I was raised, but I won’t blame it on that. I definitely got used to believing that I had to earn love, which is why I find it hard to believe when people say they like me for me. I mean, what’s so special about me, right?

I’m not your typical beauty, and I’m not so agreeable. I have my own thoughts and strong opinions, and I’m as stubborn as an eel.

Hence my weariness.

I say words of affirmation are my primary love language, but I think that actions mean more to me.

I register actions first before I listen to the words.

Because people can lie while smiling, but their actions are never wrong.

It took me so many years to figure that out.

So maybe I am now truly learning what it means to be an adult, among other things.

The biggest realization that hit me recently is that while making money, building the right network, and always bringing value to the table are necessary, taking breaks and allowing myself to live are equally important and essential.

Real love is golden, and all the money in the world can’t buy that. I need to allow myself to be loved, I need to love myself too, and I sure as hell need to create boundaries and distance myself from people who only want to take advantage of my kindness.

So while I’m chasing the stars and making sure my community is growing, I need to also take care of little Dee. She needs me too.



  1. Love to see how my Little Dee has grown so much over the years. You sound so much like me in this post that I instantly adopt every word and line of it. Thank you for not getting bored of my long talks and constant nudging. ❤️❤️

    Big Dee

  2. Hi, Dee.

    I just want to say thank you for you. I’m grateful for you and I’m grateful to God for creating people like you in this world. The world is a better place because you’re in it.

    A lot of people know how to hide the feelings or act like they don’t care but that’s not you. You care and love deeply and I’m glad to be a recipient of such strong affection. Thank you, love.

    Like I would always say: Dey for who Dey for you. Show your feelings of love and care to those who would be able to pour as much into you so that you don’t end up being drained every single time.

    And yes, sometimes, people can lie with their words but actions would always matter too. I think as much as both are important, I pray that you only get surrounded by people who wouldn’t make you measure or second-guess their feelings of love and affection towards you.

    You deserve all the good things of this life, Dee. I pray you get just that. Take care of little Dee too. Thank you for this piece. 🀍❤️

    1. You’ve made the writer herself speechless. This is a whole lot. I can’t believe that I can’t tell who this is. πŸ˜… Eitherways, I love you too. And thank you for your support. ❤️ πŸ₯°

  3. I can totally relate with this ,and that moment of realization is always the hardest but the best moment . I’m happy to see this and I wish you a lovely and beautiful journey loving you above others ❤️

  4. Even though we aren’t close, I still love you… so simple, intelligent, smart, honest, kindness and lovely. You’re such a sweetheart Dee, I’m proud of you anytime anyday.

    1. We're not? Hmm... Thank you. 😊
      This means a lot to me. ❤️

  5. Adulting can be overwhelming for real. On a lighter note the hardest part for me is figuring out what to eat everydayπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    1. Your right. Likee! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
      It's so tough!
