Sunday, 26 March 2023

"The Cycle of Stupidity: Why Some Youths Never Grow Out of It"

 As I was scrolling through my WhatsApp timeline, a particular phrase used in a caption by a friend caught my eye. It said: "Stupid youths grow up to be stupid adults."

In my own words, I would say that the term "stupid" in this particular context is not about IQ, but more about lacking common sense, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence — You know...those things that help us navigate life and make good decisions?

Now, let's address a few reasons behind why some youths might end up being "stupid" adults. The environment we grow up in plays a massive role in shaping us. If there is no support or encouragement to develop our critical thinking, education, and emotional intelligence, we're going to struggle as adults.

The choices we make as youths also carry serious consequences. For example, if you're into drugs at a very young age, it can mess up your brain development and make it harder to think straight when you're older. This means that drug abuse can impact the brain’s ability to function in the short term as well as prevent proper growth and development in the long term.

Furthermore, the company we keep can also influence us greatly. If we surround ourselves with people who aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, we're likely to adopt those same traits.

But let's not forget that not every "stupid" youth ends up being a "stupid" adult. Some can overcome their upbringing and make serious positive changes in their lives. However, realistically speaking, habits and behaviors are hard to break once they've taken hold.

I would say that "growth is intentional." A person can only change because they want to. 

Now, here's a mind-stimulating question: what happens when a person isn't aware that they are the problem? Do you throw it in their face with aggression and frustration or approach them with diplomacy, empathy, and kindness? Think on this and let me know in the comment section below.

Additionally, I think you should check out the blogs I love to read listed in the right column. They are worth the read, I assure you and are amazing writers.



  1. Spot on as always🎯. Keep up the good work πŸ‘.

  2. Love how the article shows that your stupidity can be influenced by many factors,but you are in charge of making it a fixed characteristic in your life
